Barreiro, P., Schulze, V., Löhe, D.:
In: Reimers, W. (ed.), Proc. Europ. Conf. On Residual Stresses 7, Sept. 2006, angenommen


Electromagnetic compression of tubular profiles with high electrical conductivity is an innovative joining process for lightweight structures. The components are joint using pulsed magnetic fields which apply radial pressures of up to 200 MPa to tubular work pieces causing a symmetric reduction of the diameter with typical strain rates of about 104 sec-1. Since there is no contact between components to be joined and the joining machine, any damage of component´s surface can be avoided. The load, which the joint can transmit, is strongly dependent on the residual stresses in the region of the joint. In the present article, the influence of charging energy, gap width before joining and diameter on the development of the residual stresses is analysed using geometry changes during splitting of the components. Besides, the contact zone between the components is analysed and the pullout force of the joints is determined by tensile tests. This allows the evaluation of correlations between joining process, state after joining and mechanical properties.