

Metal-matrix composites have been developed as high performance material for light weight structure application. They provide advanced mechanical properties with high strength and ductility. The objective of this research is to study the properties of the composite material and stresses in the matrix and the reinforcements under different types of loads focusing on the interface part. A simple micro mechanical model of fiber-matrix specimen was modeled in ANSYS to find the best way to simulate the interface between matrix and fiber. The finite element results were compared to the real tests results in order to verify the realistic behavior of the composites. The interface part was modeled with contact and cohesive element with comparison to the real push-out tests to determine the proper values of ?max, ?n, and ?t. Finally, the macro mechanical models were modeled. In this part, the model were subjected to tensile force, bending moment in x and y axis, and torsion. The result shows that the cohesive elements yield good results in modeling the interface part of metal matrix composites under proper parameters and load cases.